☆ hai ! ! ^x^ i'm . . . max/maxine/bunny/marshmallow/princess/leporine . . ! ! ! i'm 16, the leader of a gyarusa, n totez insane o.O ☆


anarchist + witch + bpd + autism + queer + genderqueer + gyaru

i lyk 2 doodle mai interestz n i lyk 2 party all day n nite. . i luv reading [yummy bookz!] n i luv poniez! mai fave muzick is happy hardcore/rave, dnb, jazz, pink, romantic goth, and punk (^.o)♫


☆ general info ☆

the pronouns i use mainly r it/its, she/he, angel/angelwing, frill/frills, and lap/lapin ! ! i switch but it doeznt rlly matter ? az long az u use theze idgaf (/-_-)/

i luv dressing lyke a total hottie in gyaru of all kinds and whimsigoth or goshikku! OR VINTAGE JAZZY -- either way expect any variation of thoze when u see mai selfies!

☆ fave songs right now: dirty laundry by bitter:sweet and anything by portishead lately ☆


☆ random ☆

★ my projects right now r mai my little pony generation 3 au, my online spellbook, and blogging more often (T_T)

★ my fave game is sam and max: hit the road ! ! SAM AND MAX FANZ RIIIIISE to my blog plz

★ i love tea. wont ever stop drinking tea. (@ o @)

★ i collect furbies mlp and cds!


☆ my kinlist! ☆

almiraj and all rabbits (otherkind)

unicornhearted, foxhearted, deerhearted (otherhearted)

fairies, vampires, and angels (folklore)

rainbows, snow, and graveyards (places and things)

max (sam and max)

my melody (sanrio)

jazz matazz hearted (my little pony)

minty and rainbow dash (my little pony)